It's been quite quiet here at our place. The entire region seems to be at a stand still, wishing for more tolerable weather. It's been so dangerously frigid that schools are continuously being closed, ice jams are troubling homeowners and the -25 to -35 degree windchills have kept the three of us inside. The average temperatures for this month are in the lower 30s but we've been lucky to reach the teens the entire month.
I think we're all about to call "uncle".
So in an effort to keep our spirits up, we've been taking it easy inside.
I've been working on this hat for myself in this pretty wild mustard color. Here is my Ravelry page with details for the project.
These two girls have been pretty inseparable and it's darn cute.
And lots of imagination play has been happening. Even Meadow plays along; if you couldn't tell, she was the dragon.
These girls are always tied up together.
And my houseplants are my saving grace although they are all looking a little sad with the months and months of dry forced air and little Sun.
So we're just hanging out, I suppose.
And probably all snacking a little more than we should.
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