This is the first time I've felt like we finally have something to show for all the hard work we've done over the past month.
To think this was all flat boring grass...
I built the arch from tree saplings we found. It'll be great for beans and such to trellis on and it's a fun feature to play under.
Most of our vegetables are in this bed and we'll be happy when it begins to fill in.
We scored these stumps from the side of the road - perfect for quick seating, to define the space and for jumping.
Our elderberry has flowered which is incredibly special.
When we got these from the Botanical Gardens last year, they struggled. Then with the harshest winter we've had in decades, I was sure they wouldn't survive.
Yet, they are thriving now and we're darn excited.
Pinterest inspired us to grown potatoes this way and I would've never expected them to be so successful, especially never having grown potatoes before.
Garlic is our foundation in this garden.
There is so little to fuss with, it's one of the first green things we see in the spring and it's easy to plant the following year from the harvest.
Best of all, we use it in our everyday cooking.
I love seeing the height differences - trees, shrubs, ground cover...
The fairy house has moved now, to be close to the medicinal garden.
And finally, finally we have a fire pit!
Conveniently located near our new berry patch...
What would a garden update be without pictures of the girls?
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