Jun Tea

You've heard of kombucha, yes? It's a fermented drink made from black tea which has tons of great probiotic benefits for your body.

Now, the only thing that could make that better is if were made with green tea and honey. Enter "jun tea" which is exactly like kombucha but has the milder flavor from the green tea and natural sweetness of honey.

My Daddy who gave me a batch of milk kefir last year got this set-up of jun tea for us to try this year.

 All the magic happens from this Jun mother culture. It's like a SCOBY if you've done other fermenting before, but this mother culture isn't delicate. It's rubbery, solid and pretty big.

Once you've made your green tea and added the honey once it cooled down a bit (but not all the way), leave the tea and honey until its no warmer than room temperature.

Then add the mother culture to whatever vessel you'll be fermenting in along with your green tea and honey. Be sure to pour in a bit of the already made jun tea into you're new fermentation.

Allow it to sit for 2 or 3 days and work its magic before pouring it into individual sized mason jars with covers to complete the second ferment. This adds the bubbliness that makes it really a great drink.


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I’m Stephanie, the mind and Momma behind The Heirloom Family. I created this blog as a way to capture the magic of our family and the beauty of every day slow and simple living. I also hope it serves as an inspiration to you as well.

Nestled in our little corner of the Earth in Western New York, I am lucky enough to share my home with my husband and our daughter, along with 4 cheerful cats.

We strive for a wholesome life, one that is slow and steady. I want to breathe it in, this time we have, and I might just be lucky enough to see the magic in it all.

There are so many things in life that I love – nature. crochet. photography. gardening. cooking. faith. honey. reading. sunsets and sunrises. flowers. ballet. enchantment. Dave Matthews Band. the moon. rainbows. babywearing. lavender and sandalwood. celebrations. music. hippie. poetry. love. the forest. romantic history. cats. dreamcatchers. wool. heritage. family. lilac. red wine. memories.