First Dance Class

I am a dancer. Although I haven't danced professionally in a number of years I always put it in present tense because my heart will always be that of a dancer.

When I was Tessa's age, my parents put my in dance class. While I didn't stick with it right away, I got a little older and I couldn't get enough of it. I danced with my single studio up until college where I danced on their team.

Now as a Momma, that ability to spend hours in a studio isn't there any longer. And I am okay with that. My time as a dancer lives in my heart now. Surely, I miss it but not as often as I once imagined because my days are filled with muddy hands, sleepy smiles and family fun.

Then, the moment happened. My daughter began dance classes. It was so sweet and sentimental to me. I couldn't hold back the tears of joy. My little girl was going to dance. Whether she loved it or hated it was fine by me, but I got to put a leotard, ballet slippers, tights and a tutu on her with both of us enjoying every minute of it.

Scott knew just how important that moment was for me that he stood by and snapped as many pictures as he could.

 We arrived to the dance studio and my heart skipped a beat. It was then that I felt it. My heart longed for it. I hadn't been in one for years. This time I got to relive it through my daughter's eyes.

Her 6-week dance session is perfect for this age because it isn't too much of a commitment. Our rhythm is too special right now and none of us want to break from it.

The class time is split in half, with the first half focusing on tap and the second half on ballet. She loved her tap shoes! Who wouldn't right?!

There she is. My big girl. My dancer.

Tessa loves other children so any class with others is a good time.

Daddy got in there and danced with her. I couldn't be prouder of him or that moment.

Tessa really likes Ms. AJ!


Be still my heart... My ballerina.


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Meet The Author

I’m Stephanie, the mind and Momma behind The Heirloom Family. I created this blog as a way to capture the magic of our family and the beauty of every day slow and simple living. I also hope it serves as an inspiration to you as well.

Nestled in our little corner of the Earth in Western New York, I am lucky enough to share my home with my husband and our daughter, along with 4 cheerful cats.

We strive for a wholesome life, one that is slow and steady. I want to breathe it in, this time we have, and I might just be lucky enough to see the magic in it all.

There are so many things in life that I love – nature. crochet. photography. gardening. cooking. faith. honey. reading. sunsets and sunrises. flowers. ballet. enchantment. Dave Matthews Band. the moon. rainbows. babywearing. lavender and sandalwood. celebrations. music. hippie. poetry. love. the forest. romantic history. cats. dreamcatchers. wool. heritage. family. lilac. red wine. memories.