Beloved Green Boots

Who would have thought that an adorable pair of "mucker boots" purchased before Tessa was even born would become one of her most beloved things in the world.

Grandma snagged these boots from a thrift store when I was pregnant with Tess. They looked humongous when we first received them because it felt like decades away that our baby would be big enough to fit into these.

She wore them everywhere, for every occasion!

Our family pictures...

As part of her Halloween costume...

They even made their appearance when we traveled.

Here we are, two and a half years later, and now they are too small for her. After scouring the internet for a bigger size, we've come up empty handed.

These boots were the epitome of childhood - filled with muddy days spent in laughter and smiles. They are worn and pretty beat-up now but they are treasured because they meant so much to her.

Once we wash off the dried Earth from these darling boots, they will go right in her hope chest so that maybe one day her very own child will go mud-stomping in them.


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Meet The Author

I’m Stephanie, the mind and Momma behind The Heirloom Family. I created this blog as a way to capture the magic of our family and the beauty of every day slow and simple living. I also hope it serves as an inspiration to you as well.

Nestled in our little corner of the Earth in Western New York, I am lucky enough to share my home with my husband and our daughter, along with 4 cheerful cats.

We strive for a wholesome life, one that is slow and steady. I want to breathe it in, this time we have, and I might just be lucky enough to see the magic in it all.

There are so many things in life that I love – nature. crochet. photography. gardening. cooking. faith. honey. reading. sunsets and sunrises. flowers. ballet. enchantment. Dave Matthews Band. the moon. rainbows. babywearing. lavender and sandalwood. celebrations. music. hippie. poetry. love. the forest. romantic history. cats. dreamcatchers. wool. heritage. family. lilac. red wine. memories.