The Simplicity of Line Drying

I was never a fan of laundry, as most people are not. There are things, though, which have made it a little brighter for me in the past few weeks that I wanted to share.

When the weather began to allow for line drying outside, the task became easier almost instantly.
There is something about fabric which has waved in the breeze and sunshine that makes it more beautiful.

Each day, I want to get an early jump on the day so I can get the clothes washed and on the line before the intensity of the sun wanes. Rather than with the dryer which is waiting in my basement 24-hours a day meaning I can procrastinate.

I love being able to handle this task all while Tessa plays happily in the yard. Putting the clothes up or taking them down, she can run and play while every few minutes, come back to help. She loves when "another one falls down" off the line and into the grass so she can save the day by bringing it to the basket.

The way the clothes smell while putting them away in their drawers is clean and fresh.
The way a sheet over the line makes for instant fun. 
The power of the Sun to make stains disappear.
Using less energy helps the Earth and my gas bill.
These are all benefits I use to my advantage when I can.

I even got excited when wandering around an estate sale last week and I spotted this tin of clothespins. I couldn't help but think of the story these told of the previous owner. Now they ceremoniously come out with us each morning.

I like to keep control of the never-ending laundry by doing a load each day. Not now, though, because if the rain prevents me from throwing the clothes on the line I'll wait and do two loads tomorrow.

Laundry is still no hobby of mine but like with anything, once you slow it down and simplify, you can find beauty in everything you do.


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Meet The Author

I’m Stephanie, the mind and Momma behind The Heirloom Family. I created this blog as a way to capture the magic of our family and the beauty of every day slow and simple living. I also hope it serves as an inspiration to you as well.

Nestled in our little corner of the Earth in Western New York, I am lucky enough to share my home with my husband and our daughter, along with 4 cheerful cats.

We strive for a wholesome life, one that is slow and steady. I want to breathe it in, this time we have, and I might just be lucky enough to see the magic in it all.

There are so many things in life that I love – nature. crochet. photography. gardening. cooking. faith. honey. reading. sunsets and sunrises. flowers. ballet. enchantment. Dave Matthews Band. the moon. rainbows. babywearing. lavender and sandalwood. celebrations. music. hippie. poetry. love. the forest. romantic history. cats. dreamcatchers. wool. heritage. family. lilac. red wine. memories.